What Does A Cyclobenzaprine High Feel Like?

What Does A Cyclobenzaprine High Feel Like?

Cyclobenzaprine, better known as the brand name medication Flexeril, is a muscle relaxant used to treat muscle-related pain such as tenderness and spasms from strains and other types of muscle injuries. Despite being deemed low to no-risk by the DEA (Flexeril is not a...
How To Get Suboxone Out Your System

How To Get Suboxone Out Your System

Suboxone is a brand-name medication used in opioid substitution therapy, a specific subset of medication-assisted therapy (MAT). Evidence has shown that it can decrease rates of opioid overdose, increase rehab retention, and reduce the need for emergency detox. But as...
Drugs, Alcohol & Sexual Assault On College Campuses

Drugs, Alcohol & Sexual Assault On College Campuses

Colleges and universities are thought of as beacons of hope and self-betterment, but these institutions of higher learning also have a dark side. Sexual misconduct is a frighteningly common occurrence at even the most prestigious of establishments. It affects both...
Key Signs Of Alcohol Overdose

Key Signs Of Alcohol Overdose

What do beer and wine have in common with heroin, meth, marijuana, or even cocaine? Although the drinks are legal and the other substances are markedly not, all of them are powerful mind-altering drugs that have the potential to result in an overdose. Yes, you can...

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