Understanding Symptoms of Withdrawal

Understanding Symptoms of Withdrawal

Have you ever spent days or weeks away from someone you typically see every day? Possibly a sibling, parent, or spouse. Did you start to miss them, wish you had them with you, and imagine the things about that person that bring you comfort? At first, the feelings seem...
5 Ways Exercise Can Help Recovering Addicts

5 Ways Exercise Can Help Recovering Addicts

A New Years’ resolution isn’t the only reason you should consider hitting the gym. Everyone knows that exercise has no shortage of physical and mental benefits. However, it has specific perks for those undergoing addiction treatment. Here are 5 targeted ways that...
The Benefits and Drawbacks of a Harm Reduction Model

The Benefits and Drawbacks of a Harm Reduction Model

What Is Harm Reduction? In the case of substance abuse, harm reduction is a proactive approach to making drug use—both legal and illegal—as safe as possible. These practices address broad social and health issues. Harm reduction is a concept that can be applied to any...
How Being Organized Can Help Life In Recovery

How Being Organized Can Help Life In Recovery

Marie Kondo’s Netflix may have caused the latest decluttering fad, but psychologists have long known the benefits of tidiness and the positive impact it can have on the lives of recovering addicts. With nothing to lose (but everything to gain), here are 3 major ways...
Causes & Signs of Alcohol Poisoning

Causes & Signs of Alcohol Poisoning

Despite being a legal substance, alcohol is very much a drug—and one that has very real and potentially fatal consequences. Alcohol poisoning is the most severe side effect of intoxication that can occur. The CDC estimates that it results in an average of 2,200 deaths...

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