Why Drug Rehab for Teens Is So Important

Why Drug Rehab for Teens Is So Important

Teenage substance abuse is a disturbing trend that has continued upwards over the past few decades. It can have a major impact on their mental and physical development and sometimes completely alter the trajectory of their lives. In fact, 90% of adults with a current...
5 Natural Adderall Alternatives

5 Natural Adderall Alternatives

The demands of work, parenthood, and school have never been higher. And with social media constantly showing what we could be doing, it’s no wonder that people are having a hard time feeling like they’re keeping up. As such, it’s understandable how prescription...
The Stigma of Addiction

The Stigma of Addiction

Although people struggling with addiction are encouraged to seek treatment, they don’t always do. This is mainly because addiction isn’t treated the way cancer or cardiovascular disease is treated. Much of this can be attributed to the stigma of addiction. One study...
Letter to his Mom

Letter to his Mom

An Addicted Son’s Letter to His Mom Dear Mom, I know raising me has not been easy and believe me I know my addiction has had you up many nights waiting for the day that you might get the call to come identify my body. I feel awful now that I know what you had to go...
Is Kratom Dangerous?

Is Kratom Dangerous?

Whether it be for anxiety, depression, or heightening one’s sexual performance, there is a drug that some use to self-medicate; this drug is referred to as Kratom. According to those who use it, the drug offers relief from pain. Some even claim it helps their...

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