The LGBTQ Community and Substance Abuse

The LGBTQ Community and Substance Abuse

As many people know, addiction doesn’t discriminate; however, some groups are more likely to be affected than others. The LGBTQ+ community is one of these groups, and drug abuse and addiction among these individuals is a huge problem.  There are many reasons why the...
COVID-19 Preventative Measures

COVID-19 Preventative Measures

Amethyst Recovery Center continues to provide essential substance use disorder services for individuals impacted by addiction during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). We are currently accepting patients for our Detoxification and Residential Treatment...
What Does Holistic Alcohol Treatment Look Like?

What Does Holistic Alcohol Treatment Look Like?

A great many people are no strangers to the impact of alcohol on their bodies. There are plenty of people who are treated at our facilities that have experienced alcohol abuse. At Amethyst, we are committed to providing those people with treatment that suits their...
Interview with Recovering Addict, John Coyle

Interview with Recovering Addict, John Coyle

I work with John at Amethyst and I was thrilled to have the chance to interview him for this blog piece. He is incredibly kind, humble and has been a huge inspiration to me. He works tirelessly to help those that are still suffering and I am proud to call him my...

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