What Are the Signs of an Alcoholic Family Member?

What Are the Signs of an Alcoholic Family Member?

Alcoholism is known as a family disease because it doesn’t just affect the person with the disease, but everyone in a family unit. According to one of the latest Gallup polls, more than a third of Americans have said that drinking has been a cause of family...
How Does Alcoholic Drinking Compare to Other Types of Drinking?

How Does Alcoholic Drinking Compare to Other Types of Drinking?

Understanding Alcoholism There are often misunderstandings about alcoholic drinking and what alcoholism is, versus what it isn’t. Alcoholism is classified as a disease and it includes dependence on alcohol to function “normally,” as well as intense cravings and a loss...

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

What Are Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders? Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders or FASDs are a group of conditions that can occur if a woman drinks alcohol while she’s pregnant. FASDs can include physical symptoms as well as issues related to learning and behavior. Often...
5 Hobbies to Pick Up in Addiction Recovery

5 Hobbies to Pick Up in Addiction Recovery

Many recovering addicts will often notice that they have a lot of free time on their hands. Instead of obsessing over, using, or getting over the use of drugs or alcohol, these individuals now have nothing to do. If they don’t fill in their spare time with a  hobby,...
Trauma and Mental Health Conditions as Related to Addiction

Trauma and Mental Health Conditions as Related to Addiction

You’ve probably heard of dual diagnosis when you were getting assessed for an addiction treatment program. If not, you’ve probably heard it online when learning more about the different types of treatment plans and options that are available. If you haven’t completely...

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