Adult Children of Alcoholics

Adult Children of Alcoholics

The Effects of Alcoholism on Children When you’re a child, every component of your psychological and mental health and well-being are in the developmental stages. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, millions of children grow up in...
Crack Treatment: Inpatient, Outpatient & PHP Rehabs

Crack Treatment: Inpatient, Outpatient & PHP Rehabs

Why Do People Need Crack Rehab? Crack is a version of cocaine. Crack is a very powerful stimulant, and it’s created when cocaine is mixed with water, and baking soda or ammonia. This leads to something that looks similar to a rock, and it is a less expensive...
The Different Levels of Care and Their Importance

The Different Levels of Care and Their Importance

What Are The Different Levels of Care? And, Why Are They Important? When looking for addiction treatment, you’ll come across different levels of care. Understanding the unique differences between each level of care will allow you to make a more informed decision on...
What Happens When You Get a DUI?

What Happens When You Get a DUI?

Drinking and driving is a huge problem in America, and over 111 million Americans admitted to driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or drugs in 2016. Those who are driving while under the influence will not have quick reaction times. They may also make poor...
5 Do’s and Don’ts in Recovery

5 Do’s and Don’ts in Recovery

Not everyone is willing to get help for addiction. Among those who do, 40% to 60% who try to recover from a substance use disorder (SUD) will relapse. Addiction recovery is a process and is going to take time. There’s no right or wrong way. Let’s take a look at 5 do’s...

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