Crack Detox & Withdrawal Symptoms, Timeline & Centers

Crack Detox & Withdrawal Symptoms, Timeline & Centers

How Crack Affects the Brain Crack cocaine, also just referred to as crack, is a very powerful version of cocaine. Crack is a stimulant drug. When someone uses it, it creates a rapid, euphoric high. Crack is typically smoked, although it can be snorted. When someone...
Cocaine Rehab: Inpatient vs Outpatient vs PHP Facilities

Cocaine Rehab: Inpatient vs Outpatient vs PHP Facilities

Cocaine Rehab Although other drugs may be in the news cycle more, cocaine is still a major factor in emergency room overdose visits, and its use has been on the rise since 2014. It is It’s estimated to be current use is 1.5 million people in the U.S. per month....
Cocaine Detox & Withdrawal: Statistics, Symptoms & Treatment

Cocaine Detox & Withdrawal: Statistics, Symptoms & Treatment

Cocaine and Withdrawals Cocaine is a highly addictive drug that ups your levels of alertness, attention, and energy. It is a stimulant that causes your nervous system to move quicker and be more sensitive to stimulation. Cocaine can be snorted as a powder, smoked, or...
Amphetamine Treatment: Inpatient, Outpatient & PHP Rehabs

Amphetamine Treatment: Inpatient, Outpatient & PHP Rehabs

Amphetamine Addiction Amphetamines are a class of drugs that have become increasingly problematic in the United States in terms of abuse and addiction. Amphetamines are stimulants, and commonly prescribed drugs like Adderall are included in this classification....

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