Gender Equality in Addiction Treatment

Gender Equality in Addiction Treatment

Gender equality dominates the airwaves as of late, especially insofar as it concerns women. All over the news and social media, we see arguments concerning pay gaps, treatment in the work place, and opportunities for advancement. Every once in a while, we see small...
Finding (and Using) Your Sponsor

Finding (and Using) Your Sponsor

When we enter recovery through AA or NA, everyone tells us the same thing—we need to find a sponsor. But finding a sponsor feels like a big deal. Where do we look? How do we know they’re right for us? What if we ask for their help and they turn us down? With all of...
Learning How to Move Forward

Learning How to Move Forward

One of the hardest things to overcome after years of addiction is our guilt. For quite some time, we remain convinced that our disease hurt no one but ourselves. Eventually, however, we come to realize that this isn’t quite true. In many cases, this realization leaves...
Overcoming Abstinence Violation Effect

Overcoming Abstinence Violation Effect

When a person relapses after a significant period of sobriety, they often find their substance abuse to be as bad as it was when they quit. In some cases, it may even be much worse. There are a few reasons that their use may spiral out of control in a very short...
Benzo Addiction on the Rise

Benzo Addiction on the Rise

We talk pretty frequently about the rising opioid epidemic, but addiction takes many forms. And while overdose deaths related to heroin and prescription opioids continue rising, benzodiazepine addiction poses yet another threat. In fact, many overdose deaths appear to...

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