Do We All Have A Dark Side?

Do We All Have A Dark Side?

On the face of things, it may seem rather cynical to proclaim that we all have a dark side. Luke Skywalker got a little angry, but ultimately remained a Jedi. And looking outside of fictional characters, you won’t find a whole lot of stories about that time Mother...
The Concept of Admission

The Concept of Admission

When we take the First Step in AA or NA, there is usually a feeling of relief that follows. We come to realize that our former lives are full of moments in which we could have taken the right path, yet chose to discredit any that did not agree with us. This is often...
Fulfilling the Twelve Promises: Part 6

Fulfilling the Twelve Promises: Part 6

Each month, we have been updating our series on fulfilling the Twelve Promises. Now that we’ve reached June, it is time for us to focus on the Sixth Promise. The Sixth Promise is about learning not to doubt ourselves. It is about learning to accept ourselves for what...

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