This Is Your Future on Drugs

This Is Your Future on Drugs

A future of drug abuse is a grim future indeed. (Evlakhov Valeriy/Shutterstock) There’s a 1997 anti-drug commercial starring Rachel Leigh Cook that you’ve probably heard of before. A remake of an older PSA (which launched the popularity of the “this is your brain on...
Understanding and Practicing Step Five

Understanding and Practicing Step Five

It’s May, which means that summer is just around the corner. More importantly, it’s time for our fifth installment of our series on the Twelve Steps. Step Five is directly related to Step Four, so those who are either on Step Four or about to begin it should benefit...
The Blame Game: A Fun Exercise for Learning Forgiveness

The Blame Game: A Fun Exercise for Learning Forgiveness

Forgiveness doesn’t always come easily. The struggle to let go of our resentments and forgive those who have harmed us can take quite a while, especially for deep-seated resentments that we have held for several years. But if we wish to achieve long-term sobriety, we...
Identifying and Treating Gambling Addiction

Identifying and Treating Gambling Addiction

Amethyst Recovery specializes in drug and alcohol addiction, but we sometimes encounter patients who are addicted to other vices as well. We mentioned this a while back, when we covered the topic of sex addiction. But while we may meet the occasional person with...

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