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Advertising and the Spread of Opioid Addiction
Advertising and the Spread of Opioid Addiction

Those who watched Julia Louis-Dreyfus host Saturday Night Live this past weekend may be aware of the controversy created after the show featured a fake advertisement for a product called “Heroin AM.” It presents itself as a harmless ad for an over-the-counter...

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Why Treatment Instead of Prison Could Save Billions
Why Treatment Instead of Prison Could Save Billions

We’ve spoken at length in the past about addicts and alcoholics with legal issues, and we’ve made copious mentions of the fact that those who commit drug-related offenses are sometimes asked to seek addiction treatment in lieu of a prison sentence. Those who do not...

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The Importance of Narcan in Overdose Prevention
The Importance of Narcan in Overdose Prevention

Amethyst Recovery has been offering Vivitrol treatment for some time, but some have expressed concerns about the way it works. Vivitrol blocks the receptors that allow people to feel the effects caused by alcohol and opioid drugs. This is obviously useful in relapse...

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Fulfilling the Twelve Promises: Part 4
Fulfilling the Twelve Promises: Part 4

Last month, we noted in our article on the Third Promise that it was technically only one half of a longer sentence contained within Chapter 6 of the Big Book. The second half of that sentence has been turned into the Fourth Promise, which is much shorter than the...

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Embracing the Fourth Tradition
Embracing the Fourth Tradition

As we have done in previous months this year, we are following our article on the Fourth Step of AA/NA with an article on the Fourth Tradition. We noted in our article on the Third Tradition that, while Tradition One and Tradition Two may have been somewhat related to...

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