Addiction is a disease, but it is so much more. Learn more about this complex condition that millions of Americans are struggling with right now.

Childhood Trauma and Addiction | How Toxic Stress Affects Development

The connection between addiction and conditions such as stress or mental illness is one that is well documented. These afflictions can literally alter the brain, making individuals more prone to experiencing negative emotions which in turn, results in higher instances...

How a Child of an Addict Can Approach Their Parent About Recovery

A Guide for Any Child of an Addict “25% of American children live with a parent who is addicted to drugs or alcohol. These children may have more responsibilities or may have different priorities in life due to the toxic environment that they are in.” Addiction...

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What Is International Overdose Awareness Day?

International Overdose Awareness Day is an annual campaign created to educate the public on this critical public health issue, dispel the stigma surrounding drug-related deaths, and acknowledge the loved ones who were lost due to a drug overdose. As the number of...

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Should You Hire A Sober Companion?

Should You Hire A Sober Companion?

They go by many names: sober companion, sober coach, recovery coach, etc. But no matter what you choose to call them, their role remains about the same. A sober companion is someone you pay to help you stay away from drugs and alcohol. Some of them work with...

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Major Anti-Addiction Bill Passed by Congress

Major Anti-Addiction Bill Passed by Congress

Not too long ago, we wrote about an executive order passed by Governor John Kasich of Ohio to fight addiction. We noted similar programs in other states, but also said that more needed to be done. Now, Congress appears to have answered the call by passing the first...

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Defining Alcohol as a Drug

Defining Alcohol as a Drug

We often make reference to drugs and alcohol, but many say that alcohol is a drug in and of itself. Certainly it shares many properties with drugs in general, even if it isn’t generally treated the same way under the law. But there are some who absolutely abhor the...

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Varying Opinions on Suboxone

Varying Opinions on Suboxone

Many recovering opiate users claim that they would not be alive for today if not for Suboxone. But numerous detractors make it difficult to reach an objective conclusion. If there is one thing that medication-assisted therapy (MAT) and step-based programs have in...

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The Link Between Addiction and Suicide

The Link Between Addiction and Suicide

Most people acknowledge the fact that addiction is an exceedingly miserable disease. Some of us begin drinking or abusing drugs to self-medicate issues such as major depression, while some of us become depressed as a result of our substance abusing lifestyle. But this...

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Life Sentences for Drug-Related Crimes

Life Sentences for Drug-Related Crimes

When we picture “low-bottom” addicts and alcoholics, we tend to picture those who have suffered legal issues. Perhaps they received a few DWIs or spent a few nights in the drunk tank. Maybe they’ve even been in prison for years because they committed violent crimes...

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New Overdose Prevention Method Involving Naloxone

New Overdose Prevention Method Involving Naloxone

Not too long ago, we talked about the benefits of Narcan and how it can potentially save lives. The drug works by reversing overdose symptoms, giving the victim enough time to receive medical care. It has been so effective that it has even been distributed to high...

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The Shocking Truth About Addiction in America

The Shocking Truth About Addiction in America

We talk a lot about the opioid epidemic and the growing benzo epidemic, but we can’t ignore the truth. Addiction itself, regardless of the substance involved, is spreading at a frightening rate. It has been quite some time since we published our article on addiction...

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Learning to Stand Up for Ourselves

Learning to Stand Up for Ourselves

We should all embrace the need to stand up for ourselves when necessary. There are many different types of addicts and alcoholics. Many outsiders picture the substance abuser as someone who has trouble controlling their anger. They picture us as people who, with...

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Prince and the Fentanyl Epidemic

Prince and the Fentanyl Epidemic

The death of musician Prince is not recent by modern press standards, but it’s still something that many are discussing. Not just because of the sadness that results from losing such an influential artist, but also because his death may be an indicator as to just how...

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Do We All Have A Dark Side?

Do We All Have A Dark Side?

On the face of things, it may seem rather cynical to proclaim that we all have a dark side. Luke Skywalker got a little angry, but ultimately remained a Jedi. And looking outside of fictional characters, you won’t find a whole lot of stories about that time Mother...

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The Twelve Concepts for World Service: Concept VI

The Twelve Concepts for World Service: Concept VI

We’ve finally reached the halfway point in this series on the Twelve Concepts. If you actually read Conference-approved literature on the Twelve Concepts for World Service, you will find that Concept VI has one of the shorter write-ups, despite the fact that its...

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