
Alternatives To Stimulants For ADHD

Adderall, Concerta, and Ritalin are all common stimulant medications prescribed to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). They all carry similar benefits and risks, with addiction being one of the possible risks. Although these medications are mostly...

Amphetamine Treatment: Inpatient, Outpatient & PHP Rehabs

Amphetamine Addiction Amphetamines are a class of drugs that have become increasingly problematic in the United States in terms of abuse and addiction. Amphetamines are stimulants, and commonly prescribed drugs like Adderall are included in this classification....

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Amphetamine Detox & Withdrawal Symptoms, Timeline & Centers

What Are Amphetamines? Amphetamines are a class of drugs that are stimulants. They speed up the processes of the central nervous system, and some amphetamines are used by prescription. There are also illegal amphetamines sold on the black market. Prescription...

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Amphetamine Addiction: Recreational Use, Abuse, Symptoms and Statistics

Amphetamine Addiction: Recreational Use, Abuse, Symptoms and Statistics

What Are Amphetamines? Amphetamines are a classification of drugs that include illegal drugs sold on the streets as well as drugs that are prescribed to treat certain conditions. Any amphetamine, regardless of its legal or medical status, is a central nervous system...

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