A College Student’s Comprehensive Guide to Drug Abuse

by | Last updated Apr 26, 2023 | Published on Jul 17, 2019 | Specialized | 0 comments

A College Students Comprehensive Guide To Drug Abuse

College drug use is prevalent in all campuses. Alcohol is one of the most commonly abused substances, as it is easily accessible; however, marijuana comes in as a close second. Unfortunately, these are not the only drugs that can be found on campus. Curiosity and many other factors can lead college students to addictive drugs and illicit substances. Thanks to the prevalence of college drug use, many studies have looked at the impact of drug use among college students. In particular, the studies have looked at how drugs have impacted academic performance, as well as the mental health of each student. A study conducted in 2015 found that within the month prior to the study:

  • approximately one-third of the participants engaged in binge drinking. Among men, this is classified as 5 or more drinks within the span of 2 hours. Among women, binge drinking is classified as having 4 or more drinks within the span of 2 hours.
  • Approximately 20% of them used an illicit drug. The drug could be marijuana or even opiates.

All participants were full-time college students who were between the ages of 18 and 22. Substance use and abuse is a serious public health issue, especially among young Americans.

Drug use can heavily impact one’s school performance and productivity. Many students may face harsh consequences if caught using or abusing any illicit substances. In some cases, it may even be grounds for an expulsion or suspension.

College drug use is much more common than you’d think. It’s not unusual for students who have had no experience with drugs to experiment once they’re in college. Many experts would argue that drugs are much more easily accessible on campus.

So, what are some of the most common reasons offered by college students to explain their drug use? Why do college students use drugs?

There are many reasons why college student may turn to drugs. Each addict will have a different explanation for their situation. Some of the most common reasons for college drug use include:

  • Anxiety and stress. Many college students move to dorms when in college. The stress of having to do well in college and the anxiety of being away from family can trigger college drug use.
  • Peer pressure. Saying no to close friends can be difficult. College drug use rates are so high that many college students have at least one close friend who abuses drugs. The pressure to look “cool” among friends or to fit in may cause some students to experiment with drugs. College is all about parties, and drugs and alcohol are often prevalent in these settings.
  • Enhanced school performance. Certain drugs, like Adderall or other types of stimulants, can help students stay up. These drugs can also help students stay focused and alert; thus, improving their performance at school.

Many college students also experiment with drugs because they want to experience new things. College is a time for experimentation. The college environment highly encourages it.

Unfortunately, curiosity can kill the cat. Even those who try drugs as a “one time” thing can develop an addiction. It’s easy to develop dependence or tolerance to any type of drug, whether it’s an illicit drug or a prescription medication.

The Dangers and Consequences Associated with Drug Use in College

A study conducted in 2008 found that 37% of college students admitted to illicit drug use. With so many college students experimenting with drugs, it’s vital that parents and colleges draw awareness to this issue. It’s not all fun and games. Drug use in college can lead to some pretty serious and devastating consequences. Some of the consequences of drug use include:

  • Having a lower grade point average. This consequence is most pronounced among college students who abuse opioids.
  • Being more likely to engage in risky behavior. These students are more likely to engage in activities that damage their reputation. Some of the more serious consequences involve getting incarcerated or getting expelled or suspended from the college.
  • Having poor mental health. Many drug users report developing mental health disorders. This may include anxiety, depression, an eating disorder or even bipolar disorder. Co-occurring disorders are common among those who abuse drugs or alcohol.
  • Having poor physical health. Many illicit drugs come with unsavory side effects. Those who abuse or misuse the drugs can end up with cardiovascular or even respiratory failure and depression.
  • Making poor decisions. Drugs affect one’s decision-making skills. Those who regularly abuse drugs tend to make poor decisions that may have negative consequences on their life. Students who abuse drugs may drive while under the influence.

Recreational or occasional drug use can often spiral out of control. Many college students start out with gateway drugs, like marijuana, and slowly graduate to more serious drugs, like cocaine. Often, the addiction spirals out of control before they even realize it. Drug use and health issues often come hand in hand.

Different studies have looked at college drug use on various campuses. The numbers have varied a bit. However, the statistics are still quite shocking. The numbers don’t lie. It’s evidence that drug use in college is a huge problem in America. Take a look at some of the shocking statistics below:

  • Approximately 25% of college students have used marijuana or some other type of drug within the past month of a survey conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
  • 76% to 91% of college students who abuse drugs continue to abuse drugs in the following years
  • Approximately 29% of college students use or experiment with marijuana
  • Up to 17% of college students use or experiment with cocaine
  • Approximately 13% of college students abuse ecstasy
  • Anywhere from 4.1% to 11% of college students use stimulants to get through the school year
  • About 2.5% of college students rely on sedatives or anxiety medication
  • Approximately 7% of college students admit to using opioids

Depending on the study, the numbers may differ a bit; however, college drug use is prevalent on all campuses. Unfortunately, the drug use persists among young adults even after many years. The drug use can even shape their identity, personality and character.

College merely introduces drugs to many young Americans. Once the drugs are introduced into their lives, they may continue a lifelong struggle with addiction. Different studies have found that as little as 6.9% of students and as many as 12% of students engage in lifetime drug use. Those who abuse stimulants are much more likely to continue the abuse and misuse. Substance abuse can have a profound impact on a student’s life.

Factors that May Affect College Drug Use Statistics and Numbers

It’s not unusual for the numbers to vary quite a bit. The variance is due to the different circumstances and factors that surround each study. There are many factors that may influence how prevalent drug use is on a college campus. Some of these factors include:

  • The location. Certain campuses are simply more prone to drug use due to their location.
  • Accessibility of certain drugs. Different types of drugs may be cheaper or more easily accessible in certain regions. College students are often on a budget.
  • The strictness of each campus. Campuses that are more lenient on college drug use will see a higher rate of drug abuse. On the other hand, college campuses with a strict no-drug policy are more likely to crack down on drug use. Students are less likely to abuse drugs.
  • The environment. Party schools are more likely to have heavy alcohol or drug use. Consider the reputation of each college before applying.

Students who are concerned about college drug use should do some research on each school they plan on applying to. Consider what other students and alumni say about the school. It’s important to note that a party school can still be a great place to get an education. However, students with addictive personalities and behaviors may wish to stay far away from them.

Factors that Influence a Student’s Predisposition to College Drug Use

Some students are more susceptible to drug use and abuse. They are more likely to develop dependence on the drugs, and more likely to develop an addiction. Factors that influence whether a student is likely to try or get addicted to drugs include:

  • Behavior and personality. Some students are simply more likely to engage in risky behavior. This could be due to their upbringing.
  • Genetic predisposition. Genetic or psychological characteristics may also influence the likelihood of drug use, abuse and addiction. Those with close family members who are addicts may be more likely to become addicts themselves.
  • Mental health condition. Co-occurring disorders or dual diagnosis is common with drug addiction. Those who are addicted to drugs will often also struggle with a mental health disorder. Students struggling with anxiety or depression are more likely to experiment with drugs. They already struggle with a chemical imbalance in their brain.
  • Gender and age. Studies show that young men are more likely to experiment with drugs than women. With that said, heavy drug use may have a more profound and lasting impact on young women.
  • The “buzz” or hype surrounding the drug may also affect whether it gets abused.
  • Social group. Students with friends who abuse drugs are more likely to use drugs themselves.
  • Availability of the drug. The easier it is to get the drugs, the more likely students are going to try them.
  • Full-time or part-time study. Studies show that full-time students are more likely to abuse alcohol and drugs than part-time students.

Students who are looking to achieve a certain result will be more likely to try certain drugs over others. For example, stimulants are known to help increase concentration. On the other hand, those who self-diagnose themselves with depression may try opioids in order to elevate their moods.

College gives students access to a whole lot more drugs and alcohol than ever before. It’s not surprising that the most commonly abused substance is alcohol. After all, 1 in 4 college students drink alcoholic beverages, whether it be on a regular basis or only at parties. Many believe that alcohol consumption is not substance abuse; however, alcohol abuse is just as bad as drug abuse.

The fun doesn’t stop there. Many college students will also experiment with drugs at this point in their life. Here’s more information on some of the most abused drugs that are found on college campuses. Some drugs are more prevalent in certain campuses than others. Let’s take a look at what some of the most popular drugs on college campuses are.

Marijuana Abuse and Dependence

Marijuana use and abuse is most prevalent among college students. On an average day, 703,759 full-time college students and 195,020 part-time students use marijuana. Recreational marijuana use can relieve stress and tension. It can also elevate moods. Without a doubt, the most popular drug on college campuses is marijuana.

An addiction to marijuana often develops before college. 38% of college students have already tried marijuana before attending college. Of those who have not experimented with marijuana yet:

  • over 25% initiated marijuana use after starting college
  • 74% were offered marijuana during college; 54% started to use marijuana

The risk of marijuana use is attributed to both low levels of parental monitoring during the last year of high school and the first year of college. Peer influences may also play a role.

Marijuana does not have a highly addictive potential; however, it can still be addictive with heavy or long-term use. Recent research suggests that 30% of marijuana users struggle with some degree of a marijuana use disorder. Those with a marijuana use disorder have a dependence on the drug. They will often feel irritated, moody or restless if they attempt to quit.

Cocaine Abuse and Dependence

Although cocaine use in the nation is a on a decline, cocaine use among young adults and college students are at an all-time high. Studies show that 36% of students had been offered cocaine by the 4th year of college. 13% had tried cocaine. This is by far one of the most popular party drugs.

There are a lot of opportunities to use cocaine. College students often come across this illicit drug while at parties. It’s often paired with heavy drinking and other risky behaviors, like unsafe sex.

The studies also show that male students had more opportunities to use cocaine than female students. With that said, females were more likely to exhibit serious use patterns. They had higher average frequencies of use, which meant that they were more likely to develop dependence.

Other Street Names for Cocaine

As one of the most popular party drugs, it’s no wonder that there are many street names and nicknames for cocaine. Some of the most common and enduring nicknames for cocaine include:

  • Blow
  • Bump
  • Candy
  • Coke
  • Dust
  • Flake
  • Line
  • Powder
  • Rail
  • Snow
  • White
  • Yeyo

Different regions may have different nicknames for cocaine. Some college students even make up their own nicknames for this illicit drug.

From Cocaine to Crack

Cocaine, in its powder form, can be turned into crack cocaine. Crack cocaine is simply the crystal form of cocaine. It is a more potent form of cocaine, and has a purity level between 75% and 100%.

The recommended administration method for crack cocaine is through inhalation. This drug is usually smoked. It can quickly pass the blood-brain barrier. Once it does, it brings an intense and immediate high that lasts about 15 minutes. This substance is highly addictive, and it’s not unusual for drug addicts to develop dependence within several tries.

While it’s easy to transform cocaine into crack cocaine, most college students don’t usually turn to this type of illicit drug. It’s not really considered to be a party drug for this demographic.

Prescription Stimulant Addiction and Dependence

Prescription stimulants are also incredibly popular among college students. With the large work and school loads, many college students find that they don’t have the energy needed to succeed. Prescription stimulants can give them that extra push that they need, and are known as study drugs. They’ve become just as popular as Red Bull and even caffeine.

Over 20% of college students rely on Adderall and Ritalin to study. Many students don’t have a prescription for the drug, and are engaging in nonmedical use of prescription drugs. Instead of getting the drugs from a doctor, they get it from friends who do have a prescription. Others buy the drug through illegitimate means. Many drug dealers advertise Adderall and Ritalin as safe and effective study aids or study drugs.

Prescription stimulants are often prescribed by doctors to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The number of young Americans who find it difficult to concentrate or focus is increasing. The prescription stimulants can help these students become more alert or concentrated. They tend to perform better academically as a result.

Unfortunately, many students have begun to take advantage of this prescription stimulant. They may take higher than recommended doses to get through long nights. Others even take the stimulants to get high. Many students will also take prescription stimulants concurrently with other drugs, like cocaine.

When used as prescribed, prescription stimulants are largely considered to be safe. However, those who abuse or misuse the medication are susceptible to developing dependence. Dependence quickly becomes an addiction. At the end of the day, these prescription drugs can do more harm than good.

Types of Prescription Stimulants that Are Commonly Abused

Among prescription stimulants, the two most popular options include amphetamine and methylphenidate. Both possess unique advantages and qualities over the other. It’s up to the doctor’s discretion to determine which option to prescribe.

Amphetamines tend to be stronger. They have a marked period of euphoria and are considered to be strong aphrodisiacs, anorexics and anxiogenics. This means that their side effects include decreasing one’s appetite and increasing one’s anxiety levels.

Methylphenidate is similar to amphetamine. However, it’s linked to a larger desire to perform tasks. It’s mostly prescribed to increase the concentration of patients. There are many different brand names of prescription stimulants. Some of the most commonly abused prescription stimulants in college include:

  • Ritalin, which is a methylphenidate that lasts anywhere from 4 to 6 hours
  • Concerta, which is a methylphenidate that lasts anywhere from 8 to 12 hours
  • Vyvanse, which is an amphetamine that lasts as long as 12 hours
  • Adderall, which is an amphetamine that can last as short as 4 hours if it’s in its immediate-release form or as long as 8 hours if it’s in its extended-release form

The prescription stimulants may have a stronger effect on some college students than others. The effectiveness of the medication may be due to one’s biological makeup. There are many factors that can come into play. As a result, students who are taking the medications for legitimate reasons may need to try different ones out before finding one that’s most effective for them.

Opioid Abuse and Addiction

Did you know that prescription opioid use among college students increased by 343% from 1993 to 2005? Prescription opioid use has increased exponentially throughout America. It’s become a huge epidemic that affects everyone, not just college students.

Prescription opioids are often prescribed to treat moderate to severe pain. College students may need opioids to deal with injuries from sports or from slip and fall accidents. While effective, prescription opioids are addictive. It’s easy to develop a tolerance and a dependence on these drugs. Those who develop addiction often have a very difficult time getting sober again.

College students are likely to abuse prescription opioids if they can get their hands on them. These prescription drugs create a sense of euphoria. They work by stimulating the production of neurotransmitters. In particular, they increase the production of dopamine and serotonin, both of which create euphoric sensations.

Prescription opioids include drugs like morphine, oxycodone and codeine. At times, opioid addicts may graduate from prescription opioids to illicit street drugs. Those who can no longer gain access to prescription opioids may turn to heroin. Nearly 80% of heroin addicts claim that they first started misusing prescription opioids.

A Look at Fentanyl – America’s Top Killer

Out of all the opioids out there, fentanyl is one of the most dangerous substances around. It’s 50 to 100 times stronger than morphine and 30 to 50 times stronger than heroin. Just a little bit of it can kill you. In fact, some experts claim that a fatal dose can be as little as 0.25 milligrams. That’s just a few grains.

Many college students overdose on fentanyl without knowing that they’ve taken it. This illicit opioid is often added as a cutting agent to many other party drugs, like cocaine. It’s purpose is to make the drugs feel stronger.

College students who regularly misuse drugs should be wary of fentanyl. Not only is it easy to overdose on fentanyl, but a fentanyl overdose can often be fatal. Its effects can kick in rather quickly.

Psychedelic Addiction and Misuse

Although it’s not as popular as the other party drugs, psychedelic drug use among college students can also be quite prevalent. Psychedelics are a class of hallucinogens. These substances alter cognition and perception. They cause drug abusers to see or hear things that aren’t there.

In general, many addiction specialists agree that psychedelics are some of the safest recreational drugs. They are often not toxic and are non-addictive. Some of the most common psychedelics include:

  • This is one of the most powerful psychedelics available. Most drug users claim that they first go on an intense 5 to 10 minute trip. After the trip, they experience a total sense of bliss that can last up to several hours.
  • This drug can cause depersonification and derealization. IT can cause a cognitive shift. Once ingested, the effects of this drug usually last about 8 hours. In most situations, this drug is administered orally. Drug users place a small piece of paper under their tongue.
  • Psilocybin, otherwise known as magic mushrooms. This drug is natural, and known for creating euphoric sensations. Once ingested, it usually has a fairly short duration of only 4 hours.

Psychedelics are not new to America. They have been used for thousands of years for both religious and therapeutic purposes. In most situations, it’s difficult to overdose on these drugs. Since they’re non-addictive, drug users can often quit if they feel that they’ve had a bad trip.

Other Party Drugs

There are many other party drugs that are commonly used by college students. Every student will have his or her own preference. The safety profile for other party drugs can vary significantly depending on the student.

Other party drugs include dissociative drugs. These drugs tend to be non-toxic; however, tolerance raises rapidly. This leads to a high potential of abuse. In most cases, if ingestion of the drugs is stopped rapidly, there are no withdrawal symptoms.

Some of the most popular dissociative drugs include nitrous oxide, ketamine anddextrometorphan (DXM). Both nitrous oxide and DXM are legal. Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, offers short-lived euphoria, while the effects of DXM can last anywhere from 6 to 8 hours. Ketamine is a fairly short-acting, and its effects will usually last for only up to an hour.Other party drugs that are commonly abused include empathogens. These drugs are particularly popular at raves and clubs. The most popular drug of this type include is MDMA, otherwise known as ecstasy. College students in a fraternity or a sorority may be more susceptible to using these party drugs.

There’s a very fine line between use, misuse and abuse. Many college students may use drugs recreationally without developing any form of dependence on it. Drug use does not always equate to an addiction.

Many Americans who experiment with drugs have a hard time admitting that they have an addiction. Only 11% of drug addicts ever seek addiction treatment. This is because most drug addicts believe that they have their drug use under control. Many believe that their situation has yet to spiral out of control, and that they’re still in control. Those who are close to them would usually beg to differ.

If you currently use drugs, it’s vital that you know what the signs and symptoms of an addiction are. If you suspect that a loved one or friend has an addiction, it’s important to keep in mind that it’s easy to hide an addiction. Many addicts are high-functioning, which means that they can still function in society.

How to Determine if You Are an Addict

Coming to terms that you have an addiction can be difficult. It’s easy to fool yourself that you’re simply experimenting with drugs. However, if you’ve noticed that your drug use has become much more frequent, it’s time to reassess your situation. If you do have an addiction, it’s vital that you seek addiction treatment as soon as possible. Don’t let the situation worsen. Getting the addiction under control will only become more and more difficult.

To determine whether you’re struggling with an addiction, it’s a good idea to ask yourself these questions:

  • Have you ever tried to quit using drugs, but failed due to the cravings or the withdrawal symptoms?
  • Do you ever find yourself lying about your drug use to others?
  • Have you ever found yourself engaging in risky behavior due to drug use?
  • Have you ever used any type of drug without a proper prescription from a doctor?
  • Do you ever crave drugs throughout the day?
  • Have you ever blacked out from drug or alcohol use?
  • Have the people around you ever complained or tried to intervene with your drug use?
  • Do you ever experience any medical or physical symptoms from drug use?
  • Have you ever been in a financially difficult position because of your drug use?
  • Do you find yourself using drugs despite knowing that there will be negative consequences if you do?

If you’ve answered “yes” to most of these questions, you likely have an addiction. Your drug use is no laughing matter anymore, and it’s not something that should be taken lightly. This issue should be addressed immediately. Seek help from others around you or from an addiction treatment center.

How to Approach Your Parents to Let Them Know About Your Struggle with Addiction

Many children avoid getting help for their addiction because they’re ashamed of it. They’re particularly ashamed to tell their parents. Sitting down to have a serious conversation with your parents can be nerve-wracking; however, it’s absolutely necessary for your recovery. While there’s no set way that you should go about it, here are some tips and tricks that you should follow:

  • Be honest about your addiction. Now is not the time to lie or sugar coat things. Talk to your parents about what has happened and what you’ve learned about yourself. It’s important to point out why you think you have an addiction. Be truthful when answering any questions that they may have.
  • Take responsibility for your actions. Don’t blame anyone for what’s happened. If you feel that your drug use is due to stress or to other factors, leave that talk to addiction counselors. Instead, keep the conversation focused on your sobriety and why you need help. Ask your parents for support during these difficult times.
  • Know what you need. Let your parents know what type of help you need. If you’re dealing with alcoholism, you may want to seek an alcohol rehab center. If you’re dealing with a drug addiction, you might need medical detox. Be specific about your goals for the addiction treatment.
  • Keep the discussion open. Let your parents know that you’re willing to talk to them. Schedule follow-up meetings, and ask them for their feedback. This shows them that you’re serious about getting the help you need to get sober.

There’s no better time than now. Talk to your parents as soon as you notice that you’re struggling with a drug addiction, whether it be a stimulant addiction or a prescription drug addiction. Being open and honest is an important first step to recovery.

Signs of Addiction to Look for in a Friend or Loved One

If you suspect that a friend you’ve met in college or a friend that you’ve met in your fraternity or sorority is struggling with addiction, confronting them can be difficult. After all, it’s not unusual for drug addicts to hide their addiction. Many are able to hide their addiction so well that it’s difficult to tell whether they’ve even been using any drugs or alcohol.

You’ll have to keep a close eye on the suspected addict. Catching them in the act of taking the illicit drug may not be easy. Here are some signs of addiction to look for:

  • Irritability and mood swings. Drug abusers and addicts often have mood swings, especially when they are coming down from a high.
  • Social isolation. If your friend from a fraternity or sorority has suddenly withdrawn from everyone, they may be dealing with an addiction. Addicts often prefer doing drugs over anything else.
  • Financial hardship. Drug addictions can be expensive. The cost of drugs on college campuses can be exceptionally high. Those with an addiction may always be low on cash.
  • Perhaps, you already know that your friend is using drugs. If you notice that they’ve started to use drugs with an increasing frequency, but they still continue to deny it, they may have an addiction. It’s not unusual for addicts to feel ashamed or embarrassed.
  • A change in behavior and/or appetite. Drugs can make you act out of character. If you notice your friend engaging in riskier and riskier behavior, it may be because of drugs.

If you’re sure that your friend is dealing with an addiction, reach out to them. Make sure that you show them that you’re empathetic to their flight. Avoid saying anything that might be judgmental. It will only push them away.

If you’re dealing with a drug addiction, you’ll need professional help from addiction treatment centers. If you’re struggling with a drug addiction, you should highly consider getting admitted to a drug rehab. The rehab center will provide around-the-clock supervision and help.

Treatment plans for each drug addiction will vary based on the drug of choice and the drug rehab center. It will also depend on the level of care that patients require. Students can usually choose between inpatient and outpatient treatment. Those who decide to go for inpatient treatment will usually need to take some time off of school and their college life in order to focus on their recovery.

Other than the level of care, other aspects of the treatment plans will need to be tailored to each patient. In general, treatment plans are separated into two distinct parts: medical detox and behavioral therapies. Both are needed for a successful recovery.

Treating Physical Symptoms with Medical Detox

When attempting to quit drugs, drug abusers will often experience withdrawal symptoms. Depending on the drug of choice, withdrawal symptoms can range from mild to severe. In some situations, like with a prescription drug addiction to opioids, the withdrawal symptoms can become deadly.

With that said, one of the most important components of addiction treatment is to physically rid the body of these toxins. This is accomplished through medical detox. A combination of different medications are used to ease withdrawal symptoms.

Patients may need to go through medical detox for anywhere from 3 days to months. It all depends on the severity of their addiction. For alcohol addiction, for example, the medical detox journey normally lasts only 7 days. Not all drug addictions require medical detox. Only some of the most serious ones do.

For example, an addiction to marijuana may not necessary require medical detox. Neither does an addiction to cocaine. However, if those who are addicted to cocaine do exhibit serious withdrawal symptoms, different types of medications can be administered to help ease the symptoms.

Medications Used in Medical Detox for Opioids

Medical detox for an opioid addiction is absolutely necessary. Without medical detox, opioid withdrawal symptoms can turn deadly. Medical detox for opioid addiction is also known as Opiate Replacement Therapy (ORT). It basically involves using weaker opioids to replace the stronger ones. Some of the most common medications used in opioid detox include:

  • Buprenorphine
  • Dolophine
  • Methadone
  • Naloxone
  • Naltrexone
  • Suboxone

The type of medication that is recommended for each patient will vary. It will depend on the severity of the addiction, as well as each patient’s preferences. Some patients may need to try different types of medications before finding one that’s effective in treating the symptoms.

In general, only opioid detoxification requires medical detox. For other types of addiction, medical detox may not be necessary. Still, some drug rehab centers may recommend medications to help ease certain withdrawal symptoms and side effects from the drug use. Depending on the severity and type of withdrawal symptoms that emerge, different cocktails of medications may be used in the medical detox process.

Healing the Mind with Behavioral Therapies

Behavioral therapies treat mental health disorders. They help heal each patient’s mental state. The behavioral therapies look at the root causes for addiction. They also help patients identify triggers and learn how to lead healthier and more fulfilling lives.

There are many different types of behavioral therapies available. Each type of therapy offer its own distinct features. For example, college students who feel shy about their drug use may wish to explore their addiction in private via one-on-one counseling. Those who have hurt family and friends may want to mend relationships in group or family therapy.

A counselor from the addiction treatment center will walk each patient through the different types of behavioral therapies available. Patients can then pick and choose the ones that they want to try. It’s usually recommended that patients try several different techniques to determine which one works best for them. Some of the most commonly offered behavioral therapies include:

  • 12 Step Programs, like Alcoholics Anonymous. These support groups allow patients to reach out to others in similar situations to deal with their addiction.
  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). This type of therapy is most ideal for college students who have started their drug use after experiencing a traumatic situation.
  • Motivational Interviewing. This therapy is ideal for patients who need inner motivation to keep them on the straight and narrow.
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). This therapy is one of the most popular options available. Patients learn how to become more self-aware of their own emotions.
  • One-on-one or family counseling. This type of therapy is ideal for those who have something they want to get off of their chest.

There are many different types of behavioral therapies. If you’re seeking addiction treatment, try as many as possible. You never know what may work for you.

As a parent, one of the most difficult things is finding out that your child has an addiction. It can be difficult to figure out what to do. You might feel disappointed that your child has somehow found himself or herself in this situation.

Regardless of how you may be feeling, it’s vital that you stay supportive. Don’t judge your child. Instead praise them for knowing when to ask for help and when to approach you.

Prepare to take action once you’ve found out about the addiction. Discuss your concerns with your child, and educate them about the dangers involved with drug use. Now is as good as time as any to learn about the dangers of addiction and drugs. It’s important that your child fully understands the consequences involved with continuous drug use. Continuous drug use among college students can lead to irreversible damage to their physical and mental health.

Depending on the severity of the addiction, quitting or detoxing at home may be difficult. Although that’s true, close parental supervision and discipline may be necessary moving forward.

The best thing to do is to seek professional help. Contact one of the many rehab centers around. An addiction specialist should be able to walk both you and your child through the treatment plans that are available. They can discuss exactly how your child will detox or wean off of the drugs.

To ensure that the substance abuse is a thing of the past, it’s vital that you play an active role in the recovery process. Speak to the experts to get more information on what you can and should do to help your child.

Break Free from an Addiction or Avoid It Completely

Drug use or addiction does not have to be part of your college experience. While there may be a lot of drugs on campus, it is up to you to avoid them. Make a responsible decision. It’s easier to say no to drugs when you know the dangers associated with each one, as well as their side effects.

If you regularly use drugs, don’t make your addiction your whole college life. Get help from one of many treatment centers in America as soon as possible. Don’t allow the addiction to worsen and spiral out of your control. There are plenty of different things you can do to take action.

We can help you with your alcohol or drug addiction. Not only can we help you detox from these toxins, but we can teach you the life skills needed to stay sober and clean for the rest of your life. You don’t have to feel alone. We’re here to help!

Written by: nick

Written by: nick


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