by | Last updated Dec 22, 2020 | Published on Sep 27, 2018 | Addiction | 0 comments

Halloween is the start of the holiday season and is often associated with getting wasted while dressed up in creepy and creative costumes. Halloween can be tough to navigate for those that are sober, because so many adult activities include alcohol. But you don’t have to mix your boos with booze. Thankfully, you can have a wickedly fun time without centering the night around drinking. It all starts with a plan.

Here are a few ideas to help you enjoy the night while staying sober.

*Scare Yourself Silly at a Local Haunt.

If you actually enjoy being chased down by creepy characters, then this one’s for you. Organize a group of sober friends and head out to a corn maze, hayride or haunted house. Be prepared to scream in terror and run through the dark looking for the nearest exit. If there is one. We wish you the best of luck. For a list of scary Halloween attractions near you, check out Haunted House Directory

*Host a Scary Movie Marathon.

You and your friends can bake up some goodies like Marshmallow Spiders, Ghost S’mores Dip, or some Monster Munch, and then kick back with your favorite scary movies. The classic  Halloween is a good start. Or check out Scream. Bonus points for watching in the dark. Love Halloween movies but not the scary ones? Give Hocus Pocus a try.

*Stay Home and Pass Out Candy.

There is something about Halloween that just brings the kid out of us. It’s the one time of year that  you can dress up without feeling overly silly – and gorge yourself on candy and other sweet treats. So invite some friends and family over dressed up as their favorite characters. Go all out decorating your yard so you can spook the neighborhood kiddos. Then fill up a bowl with a mix of your favorite candy. Because you know you will be eating some.

*Organize a Spooky Photo Scavenger Hunt.  

Armed with a list of unusual items, you and your friends can race through the neighborhood and snap pictures of the items on the list. Check out this free printable for some inspiration. The person or team with the most pics wins a fun prize. Just make sure that you don’t do anything you shouldn’t do. Remember, in recovery, we don’t break the law. Even to win a scavenger hunt.

*Hit a Meeting.  

This is a great one for any day of the year, not just for the spookiest day of the year. Chances are there may even be meetings that are hosting Halloween activities. You can also try researching sober events in your area. Hanging out with people that are on the same mission as you is an important tool for staying sober. If you’re worried about staying sober during Halloween, you’re not alone. So hit a meeting, and share about it. You could be helping more than just yourself.

It’s important to have a plan for facing situations that may tempt you to drink. Get a sober buddy. There is no shame in asking for help, and your friends and family will support you. There are so many ways to enjoy Halloween without the use of drugs or alcohol. Your recovery must always come first, so don’t let Halloween ruin your sobriety.

amethyst recovery

Author: Amanda Daniels ‘Addict Chick’

Amanda Daniels is the best selling author of Addict Chick. You can follow her on Facebook, Instagram, or her website.

Written by: nick

Written by: nick


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