How to Make the Most Out of Rehab for Cocaine Addiction

by | Last updated Jul 31, 2023 | Published on Jun 17, 2018 | Cocaine, Rehab | 0 comments

rehab for cocaine addiction

Cocaine abuse is quite common in America, and many addicts need rehab for cocaine addiction. Over 2 million Americans over the age of 12 have an addiction to cocaine. Many of these people use cocaine as a party drug. They mix it with other substances, like alcohol. Mixing cocaine with other illicit substances can prove to be dangerous. The effects of cocaine are heightened. Drug abusers can also often take dangerous doses without realizing it. They are more likely to experience an overdose.

Those who are struggling with an addiction should seek treatment as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the worse the addiction becomes. It’s best to go into cocaine rehab as soon as possible. With that said, not everyone who goes to rehab can kick an addiction. Your success will largely depend on whether you make good use of the recovery tools provided.

Those who are receptive to the idea of rehab are more likely to succeed. Cocaine rehab centers can offer a wide variety of resources and tools, but it cannot force you to quit. You will have to do that all on your own. You’ll need to find the inner motivation needed to kick cocaine abuse. There are plenty of different ways that you can make the most of your stay at a cocaine addiction treatment center. Here are 8 suggestions.

Quick Tips on How to Ease Cocaine Withdrawal Symptoms

  • Join Cocaine Anonymous groups to share your personal experiences with others
  • Seek a cocaine rehab center that offers detox options
  • Keep yourself busy throughout the day
  • Go for a run or do some light yoga to stretch out your muscles and joints
  • Go to a movie or a comedy show to cheer yourself up
  • Spend time with friends and family members in your support network

#1. Make Lifelong Friends with Others in Similar Situations

cocaine rehab

One of the best ways to make the most out of cocaine abuse treatment is to integrate into the community. Make friends with others who are seeking addiction treatment at the treatment center. It’s much easier to deal with cocaine abuse when you have someone to talk to. Social support is a key factor in a successful recovery. Many friendships made at the rehab center are lifelong. Patients continue to support one another even after completing treatment.

Each addict’s environmental situation needs to be taken into account. Support from peers can strengthen a cocaine user’s place in the community. Many cocaine users also use peer support as an outlet for their frustration. By having someone to share their feelings with, they are less likely to relapse.

Going through addiction treatment is much easier with friends. Cravings and withdrawal symptoms appear less intense when you have someone to talk to. Your time at an inpatient treatment center will also speed up if you have fun.

#2. Take Time to Reflect on Your Situation

Substance abuse affects your mental health. Substance use disorders also often come hand in hand with mental health disorders. You might feel depressed or you might feel stressed. Regardless, there’s a reason why you turned to drugs or alcohol.

To get the most out of the behavioral therapy you receive at a rehab center, you should spend some time reflecting on your actions. Consider what events led to the cocaine addiction and work through your emotions. Reflecting on the past can help you avoid similar situations in the future. You may have a better idea on what types of events or factors stress you out. You may learn how to avoid triggers.

#3. Practice the Recovery Tools and Skills at the Center

cocaine addiction treatment

The right addiction recovery tool can make your recovery a lot easier. There are a lot of different tools that you can pick up from a rehab center. Most rehab centers will recommend that you practice or use these tools when you are feeling either hungry, angry, lonely or tired. Those seeking outpatient treatment will want to practice these tools even more often. There are many different types of recovery tools that you can try. Some of them include:

  • Prayer or meditation. Prayers can help calm the mind, especially for faith-based programs. They clear the mind and can help ease cravings and other withdrawal symptoms.
  • Keeping a journal. Writing can be a huge outlet for many cocaine users. They usually start when they try to get sober and continue throughout their life. Keeping a journal is not only therapeutic, but it can help drug abusers analyze their feelings.
  • Reaching out to a support network. This is also one of the reasons why it’s important to make friends when in a treatment program. Having friends and a support network can help many drug users move past their addiction.

Practice the recovery tools taught to you when at the treatment center. If you have any difficulties processing your emotions still, consider talking to an addiction specialist. You want to practice and master a recovery tool that can help you move past the addiction.

#4. Ask Questions and Be Present During the Addiction Treatment

Don’t hesitate to ask questions when seeking addiction treatment. Now is not the time to be shy. It’s the time to fully comprehend how an addiction works and how to get past it. Don’t be scared to ask about the various treatment options and how they work. You may also want to know more about how you can improve your mental health. After all, an addiction can be very taxing on your mind.

If there is anything that you don’t understand, ask. Knowledge will make a huge difference. You’ll learn how to better control your addiction and how substance abuse and mental health disorders affect one another. This can help you build the inner motivation to quit and to stay sober.

#5. Take the Medications as Prescribed

medical detox

Cocaine addiction treatment often use medical detox to ease withdrawal symptoms. Cocaine withdrawal symptoms can be intense and overbearing. Depending on the length of the drug abuse, as well as other factors, the withdrawal symptoms can be so intense that they cause cocaine users to relapse.

If you’re given prescription drugs to deal with the withdrawal symptoms, make sure that you take the drug as prescribed and on time. It’s important that you make a reminder to take your recommended dose at the recommended time. Also, you should make sure that you provide the medical professionals with details about your withdrawal symptoms.

Depending on the type of addiction that you have, you’ll be given different types of drugs. The length of the medical detox will also vary. It’s important to develop a routine, especially if you’ll be taking the drugs even after leaving the treatment center.

#6. Make Time for Yourself

Dealing with an addiction can become overwhelming. To ensure that the treatment is effective, make sure that you make time for yourself. Schedule in some ‘me-time’ every day at the inpatient rehab center. During this time, you should just relax and enjoy your surrounding. Let yourself become more aware of your own emotions as you go through the addiction treatment program.

Making time for yourself gives you some room to breathe. An addiction treatment can be quite taxing on your body, mind and spirit. People in recovery need time to slowly process all of these changes.

#7. Have an Open Mind

Having an open mind can make a huge difference when it comes to addiction treatment. Someone who is open-minded will be more receptive to cocaine treatment. They will be more likely to change their behaviors and their attitudes. They are also more likely to think outside of the box. In general, those who are open-minded are more likely to succeed with their own recovery. They learn how to build better habits and are able to come to terms with their own issues.

Those who are close-minded may develop what’s known as a dry drunk syndrome. Although they may abstain from alcohol or drugs at the treatment center, their behavior is pretty much the same. They don’t learn any of the skills needed to abstain from drugs and alcohol for long periods of time. They are more likely to relapse.

Those who are open-minded have the ability to progress faster through substance abuse treatment. Open-minded people are more likely to think outside of the box, and when they go off track they will not beat themselves up too much about it. Such an individual tends to benefit a great deal more from the process of trial and error.

#8. Commit to the Program

Cocaine treatment is never easy. It’ll take more than one try, more often than not. To make the most out of cocaine rehab, stay committed to the program. This means getting back on track even when you stray. It also means not giving up. It’s easy to give up after a relapse; however, don’t forget that relapses are common and a normal part of recovery. It will take you some time to figure out what works and what doesn’t.

Take a Look at the Treatment Options Available

It’s never too late to seek treatment for cocaine abuse. If you have signs and symptoms of an addiction, it’s time for you to start looking for a way out. A drug rehab center that specializes in cocaine addiction can make a world of a difference. It can help you choose the right treatment option and get the help that you need.

Amethyst Recovery offers a large variety of different treatment types and programs. You can choose between day/night programs, residential programs, holistic programs and more. There’s no telling which program may best suit your needs. To get more information on the specifics of each program and treatment type, contact an addiction specialist as soon as you can.

Written by: nick

Written by: nick


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