One of the hardest steps for any alcoholic or addict to take is asking for help and acknowledging that they have an alcohol and drug problem. Selecting the right substance abuse treatment facility should not be taken lightly and requires research and careful consideration.
Here at Amethyst Recovery Center, we have made some significant changes and are currently under new management. With a new CEO Phil Fisher at the helm, we have been able to refine the services we provide. With the addition of Tara Bradley Ross to the Amethyst Team, we were able to develop a whole new curriculum based around the 12-steps. Tara Bradley Ross is a recognized motivational speaker who has attended numerous 12-step workshops and has over 31 years of sobriety. She holds a Master’s degree in education and is the chief 12 Step recovery program coordinator responsible for developing this new program.
Our Recovery Philosophy Program utilizes a hardline approach to the 12 Steps. If an easier, softer way doesn’t work for individual recovery, why would it work in treatment? Our staff is uniquely qualified to guide new clients through the recovery process. Our overall focus is to provide a thorough understanding of the 12 steps of recovery. We endeavor to facilitate their spiritual growth as they immerse themselves in this powerful program. Each client will have the opportunity to share their experiences with either a self-selected sponsor that has been clinically approved or with the assistance of program coordinators.
Our Duty to Recovery
Amethyst Recovery Center clients place their very lives in our hands, and we have a tremendous responsibility to present the 12 Steps in their purest form — to provide a program of “depth and weight”. We have a duty to not merely lead clients to a path of recovery, but to provide them with the opportunity to be “recovered”. Our 12 Step staff is passionate about providing an environment conducive for each client to have their own personal experience with each of the 12 Steps.
Our team understands addiction because a majority of our staff has been personally affected by mental health issues or substance use disorders. We wholly believe that addicts suffer from a 3-fold illness that affects their body, mind, and spirit. Detox addresses the body, and our clinical program addresses the mind. The “Spirit” needs to be treated as well, and that is where the 12 Steps come in.
Finding a Power
(Crystal Home/Shutterstock)
A lack of power is the addict’s dilemma. They need to find a “Power” by which they can live. No matter how we define our Higher Power, we must now accept it as a source of guidance. We learn to accept that our assertions of willpower often lead us down a treacherous road. No matter how many times we tried to control our substance abuse on our own, we never found ourselves capable. By surrendering this incessant need for control, we allow ourselves to benefit from our treatment program. We give up our control over the world around us, but gain control over our own course of action. The 12 Steps are a proven means to aid addicts in gaining access to a power greater than themselves by which they can change their lives.
When clients return to their respective homes, occupations, and affairs, they bring that needed Power with them. The wreckage of their past can be repaired. The design for living they have learned to practice while in treatment will ripple out and touch the lives of others. Our hope is that each client will have their own personal experience with the 12 Steps. Not only are their lives dramatically changed for the better, but the lives of countless others that are connected to that person will be changed for the better as well. And that is what recovery is all about!!!